[BOOK|TXT] Leaching Gold and Silver Ores
Dating > Leaching Gold and Silver Ores
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Dating > Leaching Gold and Silver Ores
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Partial agglomeration of fines occurred by mixing with the coarser ore as it rolled down the sides of the stockpile. Figure 2 also indicates that high flow rates are achieved by agglomerating the clayey gold ore with 7. A removable porous support, 4 in.
The low point or first row of each column can be thought of as a point along the length of the solution collection channel; each of these points may be in a different row in each column. Many other leaching operations are also being carried out in various parts of the United States and in foreign countries. As these openings are not in general in a horizontal position, there may be a larger hydrostatic head at one end of the opening than at the other.
Gold Heap Leaching Process - Deposits of ore amenable to coarse crushing, however, are rare. A large part of the copper is brought to the surface in the first drying operation.